Since this course has several features in common with other courses (as you can check on this platform), sometimes participants will be all together, sometimes with some other participants, sometimes alone, depending on the specific programme.
Cuenta whatsapp 2018 professional#
When this is not available (due to Covid restrictions, e.g.): presentation of the hosting Country educational system - Cultural visit of the city centre, together with a professional tour leader - Planning the follow up: future projects together - Course evaluation & releasing of official course certifications. Day 5: A new beginning - Visit to a significant local school and talk with its relevant staff (upon availability). Day 3: CLIL through non-formal learning for different subjects and key competences - CLIL and non-formal learning: overview and practical workshop of some of the best-practice indoor & outdoor methods and tools Day 4: Digital story-telling and multimedia to implement a CLIL curriculum for STEAM, Geography, History and more - Video-editing for teaching - Create a video-story - Create an interactive video-lesson - Create a digital, multimedial book - Web-pages and comic-strips - Practical laboratory: step-by-step process and guidance.

Cuenta whatsapp 2018 how to#
Getting inspired on how to develop CLIL with non-formal learning methods and tools PROGRAMME Day 1: Welcome - Presentation of the course and participants - Brainstorming and team building - Key competences and skills for the 21st Century: an interactive introduction - Cooperative learning, blended learning and flipped classroom in Europe: features, values and best practices Day 2: CLIL planning through blended learning and flippled classroom - CLIL through ICT based, digital and web tools: overview and practical workshop - Websites, web-wares and apps for teaching and learning: an overview - Collaborative web tools and platforms - Practical laboratory: step-by-step process and guidance. Getting inspired on how to integrate CLIL in flippled and blended learning through ICT and digital tools 5. Design and develop concrete CLIL teaching and learning contents and projects 4. Understanding and acquiring effective methods and tools to implement CLIL for STEAM, Geography, History, Entrepreneurship and more 3. Become aware of the key issues related to CLIL methodology for English – as well as Spanish or Italian – as second language, within the context of the blended, flipped and cooperative learning 2.