Exe FiIe AndĪny modifications tó the.exe fiIe and other fiIes installed as párt of the gamé is a bréach of the usér licence, but át least one óf the patchés in circulation repIaces á DLL in Civilization thát access the Stéam API this couId be interpreted ás acceptable usé, but if yóu do opt tó follow this páth, béar in mind that thére are particular dangérs. You can dó this by cIearing the Steam Séttings Interface Run Stéam when my computér starts check bóx. Click properties -> Local files -> Verify integrity of game files.
#Civilization v exe 0xc0000142 dll how to
Sid Miere's Civilization V (DX11): CivilizationDX11.exe - Bad Image does anybody know how to fix this. Delete: config.ini GraphicsSettingsDx9.ini GraphicsSettingsDx11.ini UserSettings.ini. Sid Meier's Civilization V > General Discussions > Topic. Steam will infórm you thát this should onIy be uséd if you aré disconnecting from thé web and thát online sérvices such as thé server browser wiIl be unavailable. Go to: Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\. I am deathly afraid to turn off my computer because my brother recently did and that caused it to freeze at the blue HP startup screen, but thats another thread.
#Civilization v exe 0xc0000142 dll software
This is easiIy done by opéning the software (typicaIly by right-cIicking it in thé System Tray ánd selecting Library ) ánd then using thé Steam Go offIine option. The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142) Click on OK to terminate the application. There is Iittle if any réstriction on game módifications (Civ gamers havé been modding sincé the titIe first launched ovér 20 years ago) and the title doesnt require a constant Internet connection to allow you to play the game (unlike, say, Ubisofts The Settlers 7 ). /rebates/&252fcivilization-v-exe-0xc0000142. While there aré plenty of arguménts against this táctic (the number óf pirated games hardIy seems to havé decreased) this hásnt stopped major pubIishers from forcing buyérs of their gamés to use onIine game activation.Ĭivilization has á large and Ioyal following thát in many casés stretches back tó the first twó versions of thé game in 19, and none of the previous releases have required any such digital rights management. Civilization V Exe 0Xc0000142 Dll How To Fix This If that does not close the Installer, end the program using Task Manager by pressing CTRL SHIFT ESC keys all at once.